Powerful Trading Platforms and tools by NoorIndex.

We are a team of talented developers

NoorIndex is the Technology Innovation, which specializes in providing customizable Financial s tailored to suit diverse financial services industries..

With a team of highly trained executives, we are able to tailor systems to match the needs of clients, and with the rapid changing financial and technological environment, system alterations are built to be scalable, in order to keep up with the latest technologies..

  • Vision

    To be the leading online trading platform for precious metals in the MENA region.
  • Mission

    To meet the needs and match the growth expectations of our target market by developing our services to be the best performing online.

The latest addition to the many solutions that NoorIndex has to offer, is the Multi-Assets Trading System Trading Platform. With this platform, clients are able to diversify their investments with only one account.

Trading Systems

NoorIndex is highly reliable and simple to use. It can easily be white labelled or be integrated into a number of alternative trading platforms, and/ or any third party solution.

System Features

Flexibility by using Multi-Functional System, User-Friendly Interface, Complete ‘end-to-end’ System Solution, and System Availability in different Versions, Languages, and Currencies.

Deeply Customisable

Our staff can easily customize the system according to the client requirements by using a robust platform capable of handling high frequency and a large volume environments.

Solutions and Services

Check Our Solutions and Services

Full Settelments

(Physical currencies and commodities) Through our technology we are able to provide a new trading method to allow clients to trade with physical currencies (EURUSD, USDCHF, USDCAD, AUDUSD, USDJPY, GBPUSD, etc.) and commodities (gold, silver, platinum, palladium, etc.). With our ability to integrate brokers with physical deliveries provider through our fix protocol, clients are able to build their portfolio with zero risk as per the full- settlement concept since clients receive their physical items upon their request, keeping note that there is no liquidation level for this type of account. Flexibility of our trading solutions platforms can help the end users to buy and sell the items based on its full value (full settlements).


Our trading solutions help end users to buy & sell, following their operation trading process based on the percentage value (margin) pre fix amount which will be determined by the company based on the market requirements. (Currencies and Commodities) Through this concept clients have new method of trading through giving them facilities to trade with margin percentage supporting delivery process. In this type of account the clients can avoid the liquidation process.


we customized the trading solution through standard fix protocol for the equities exchange market to allow clients to connect to all stock exchange markets they desire through brokers, and give them efficient methods to follow the trading process of their securities. (Shares, Bonds) Through our technology we can link you with any brokers as a third party through our FIX protocol technology to be as a HUB in order to help you connect your clients with any market either locally or internationally.

International Markets

forex CFD, supporting contract size concept. One of the online trading solutions which allow clients to achieve their target profits. Offering trading solutions for international markets which include all instruments: Forex, futures, contracts, indexes, treasuries, commodities, and spot metals.

Covering Solution

Third-party FIX Coverage Project main goal is sending the orders that has been added to the Physical System to the third-party Server, the service is based on FIX protocol, when it receives an order signal will automatically detect the type of the signal [Open/Close...] and send it to the third-party Server.

Cumulative Fractions Service

Allocation of quantities less than an ounce and grouping them into an allocation until the total quantity equals one correct ounce and then opening an equal quantity in the coverage account.

Market Data Feed

We provide market data Which includes for a particular instrument the instrument identifier and the place where it was traded such as ticker symbol, exchange symbol, as well as the last bid and ask price and the time of the last trade.

Call To Action

Do not hesitate to contact us to inquire about any of our smart products and solutions.

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  • All
  • App
  • Web

Tablet And iPad

Trade from apple iPad or android tablets

Push Notifications

keep posted by notifications for your orders any time and on any device

iOS and Android Mobile

Trade from iOS or Android mobile device

Web Trading Platforms

For clients and backoffice

Super Backoffice System

keep posted about your clients situations, see real-time statistics , monitor your covering system progress , and more..

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Saul Goodman

Ceo & Founder

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Sara Wilsson


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Jena Karlis

Store Owner

Enim nisi quem export duis labore cillum quae magna enim sint quorum nulla quem veniam duis minim tempor labore quem eram duis noster aute amet eram fore quis sint minim.

Matt Brandon


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John Larson


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Dubai UAE



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